About Us

Our Story

Our story began after spending a summer in Africa and documenting daily experiences. Initially, these were not guides, but a way to remember what I learned about the country and people. While studying in Europe and backpacking Asia, I started to build guides for myself and friends that enabled us to maximize our time. This continued over the years with travel to South America and the Middle East, as the advisory aspect continued to grow. Overall, we found that the best experience was shaped through recommendations from like-minded people who we could trust. 

Raba Travel has now evolved into a full travel consulting business and a vehicle to help aid in the travel planning process. Our recommendations, guides, and travel planning services have been personally experienced by us, close friends, and locals. We are the “person behind the screen” that can consult with you and alleviate time spent through hours of research online. Lastly, we have a primary focus around adventure and authenticity. We pride ourselves on leaving room for flexibility, exploration, and spontaneity, an important part to the experiences we design.

Whether it’s camping out in the Jordanian desert, sailing down the Nile in Egypt, horseback riding in the mountains of Turkey, surfing in Costa Rica, or going on safari in Africa, we specialize in creating experiences around adventure and your personal interests. 

Schedule a consultation to learn more about our travel advising services.


“One doesn’t take a journey into the Himalayas without a guide who knows the ancient paths.”

— Jack Kornfield